Diablo 2 ber rune farming
Diablo 2 ber rune farming

diablo 2 ber rune farming

Levels with a lot of monsters are best, simply to increase the total number of item drops. It’s best to kill quickly where your character is most capable of killing quickly. 000001% better chance of dropping a Cham, is not a wise expenditure of time. Struggling to kill a very high-level monster because they have a. As with magic finding, a balance between killing speed and monster level must be found. Rune hunting is best done on the highest level monsters that your character can safely and quickly kill. However, this isn’t highly recommended, since magic find improves the odds of finding Unique and Set items that are useful or that could be traded (for runes). A character hunting runes dispense with Magic Fine gear. Rune hunting is somewhat simplified by the fact that Magic Find is of no benefit. (Use the /players X command to simulate more players if you’re going single player.) A very good way to find more runes is to kill a lot of monsters in games with a lot of other players. The best way to find a lot of runes is through item drops.

Diablo 2 ber rune farming